Waterfall: A Torrential Love Story


  • Typography
  • Art Direction
  • Video
  • Writing
  • Film Editing
  • Illustration
  • Sound Design

WATERFALL: A Torrential Love Story


Years ago, ruthless waterfall hunter and broken, but hopeful superhero Black Diamond fell in love with one of his prey, the raging waterfall known as Jonya Foss. The exact details of their affair is unknown but Black Diamond left behind fragments – including drawings, photographs, love letters and home video footage – that hint at their story. These fragments were discovered by Waterfall-Nurturers and historians Krista Connerly and Mark Shepherd near the now-dry beds of Jonya Foss and they have assembled them together to try to make sense of the broken narrative that was left behind. They are calling on their viewers to help unravel this awkward love story.


Your secrets are safe with us.  Sometimes one’s life can get in the way of knowing the waterfall you carry within you. To exercise an accurate eradication of such moments or feelings one must annihilate the coursing flow of downfall or More Sorrow Alignment™. Or better, one must embrace and yank or tug at the invisible, pulpy droplets extending or emanating from the Waterfall Sphere Providence™, located north from the desire channel or the hollowed out log. If this is to happen within the time limitations of the Defended Palace of Taxidermy and Fractured Light Bundle™ then one can transfer equal amounts of No Sorrow Alignment™ and Reserved Clumps™, plus TONS™,  plus LUVERS™.


On whose dominion the sun never sets, whose secrets are forever hidden, where black diamond is forbidden and water droplets flow unhindered; Unbridled we trust in gush, stalagmites, Slim Whitman and the Maid of the Mist.
Vulnerability isn’t good or bad. It’s not what we call a dark emotion, nor is it always a light, positive experience. Vulnerability is the core of all emotions and feelings. To feel is to be vulnerable. To believe vulnerability is weakness is to believe that feeling is weakness. To foreclose on our emotional life out of a fear that the costs will be too high is to walk away from the very thing that gives purpose and meaning to living.